~ online journals ~

New possible venue for poetry films: El Aleph Press

Based in New York and Philadelphia, El Aleph Press aims to produce “hand-bound editions of poetry, short stories, and artistic graphic novels,” but despite this emphasis on artisanal print publication, for their first anthology they are open to digital submissions of short film and interactive media as well as poetry, fiction, art, comics, and reviews. Here are the guidelines.

(Thanks to Martha McCollough for the heads-up. See also our full list of journals where videopoets can submit work.)

New column on videopoetry/filmpoetry at Connotation Press seeks submissions

The innovative online magazine Connotation Press has just launched a new column dedicated to videopoetry and related forms called The Third Form. It’s authored by San Francisco Bay-area poet Erica Goss, who writes:

My intent with this column is to open up a conversation about video poems. Every month I will feature a selection, so if you make video poems, please send me your work. We’ll post several submissions here. I will explore other topics such as the origins of video poems, their significance as an art form, screenings at festivals, and in-depth interviews. I’m also interested in the technical aspects of making video poems, so feel free to send me any craft tips you’ve picked up, whether they deal with cameras, software, royalty-free film footage, or sound.

Goss devotes the rest of her inaugural column to a brief survey of the field, sharing a few films and videos that illustrate the diverse range of approaches one encounters on the web these days, and I was pleased to see some of my favorites among those she cites. I like her conclusion:

In 1969, William Carlos Williams wrote that “a poem is a small (or large) machine made out of words” and “as in all machines, its movement is intrinsic, undulant, a physical more than a literary character.” A video poem is also a machine, small or large, and capable of transporting the viewer to a new place of understanding.

I’ve updated the list of Journals that publish poetry videos to include The Third Form.

Looming deadlines: litlive.ca videopoetry contest (July 1) and Co-Kisser Poetry Film Festival (July 3)

Don’t miss two great opportunities to showcase videopoetry/filmpoetry, both from the frozen north. The Canadian Review of Literature in Performance, litlive.ca, is paying actual money for three winners of its inaugural videopoetry contest. Entries may originate from any part of the world, but must be received no later than July 1. Meanwhile, the Co-Kisser Poetry-Film Festival is in its second year of hosting

an annual Poetry-Film Festival at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Co-Kisser is a local Minneapolis arts organization, but our festival showcases poetry-films from Minnesota and all over the world. The festival has open submissions and we’re looking for films that are inspired by poetry, based on poetry, and about poetry and poets. Live action, animation, short and feature films share an evening with live poetry readings, Q&A with filmmakers and poets, and live music.

Submissions are due by July 3. Here are the guidelines.

Videopoetry submission deadlines

Just a reminder for filmmakers that deadlines are approaching for a couple of opportunities previously linked to here. Another deadline has been extended. So here are four dates to keep in mind:

May 26th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival

June 1Cinépoetry submissions for 2012 issue of Poetry International

August 31 (was July 31)IV International Festival of Videopoetry for the Earth 2012 (VideoBardo)

September 12012 Visible Verse Festival

For news of other film festivals that may be open to videopoetry/filmpoetry/cinépoetry, I recommend joining the Visible Verse Festival group page on Facebook.

Videopoetry makers Swoon and David Tomaloff featured at CoronationPress.com

Check out this terrific interview with Belgian filmmaker Swoon and American poet David Tomaloff about their recent collaboration on a triptych of videopoems. I loved learning about their collaborative process and how they thought of each other’s work, and as an amateur maker of videopoems I was especially impressed by some of Swoon’s thoughts about his approach, such as:

I love working with found material. Trying to give images, shot for a whole other purpose by someone you don’t know in a place you’ve never been, a new life and, more important so, a new meaning, is very liberating. It gives you a weird sense of power. Even the material I shoot myself is often not shot directly for a specific film. I try to build a library of images, shot by me and found footage, where I can wander around in when making a new film. On the other hand, it’s also very nice if I can shoot images the way I want them to be for a specific idea and poem.

Read the rest (and watch the triptych).

Introducing VidPoFilm

I am announcing the birth of a new online journal: VidPoFilm.

VidPoFilm explores the poetics of video and film poetry and offers critiques of works in this genre.

I am both curating and editing the material at VidPoFilm. So far, I’m posting my Video and Film Poem Fridays articles.

VidPoFilm is open to submissions — only articles on other video and film poems, this is not a self-promotion site for me or any other video or film poets — but I won’t have a description of my requirements ready for another month or two. Articles can be pre- or co-published in your own blogs, this is preferable in fact. My only rule, so far, is one article per year per video or film poet. Brilliant work is being produced world-wide in this field and I do not foresee running out of material. I’ve put up a loose “About” page and welcome comments and questions, which will help me to articulate what the journal is and seeks.

Subscribe by RSS feed to the site. Blogger offers a state-of-the-art blog that enables you to watch the videos in your Readers. VidPoFilm is about disseminating video and film poems far and wide while offering a way to ‘read’ them. The stats on the videos and films discussed is more important than the stats on the journal site, so please watch the films — they are ‘top notch’! These flicks are the crème de la crème.

ONandOnScreen is a unique online poetry journal in…

ONandOnScreen is a unique online poetry journal in which “videos are linked with poems and poems with videos, widening the spectrum and essential strangeness of each … a conversation between moving words and moving images, on and on.” Ekphrastic poems in response to films are a little outside the scope of the main Moving Poems site, but are very interesting nonetheless. Do check out the site (and note that their next reading period will begin on November 1).