~ Carbon Culture ~

Call for submissions: Carbon Culture’s $1000 poetry film prize

April 1 is the deadline to submit to this uniquely generous poetry film prize from Carbon Culture with judge Zata Banks from the UK-based PoetryFilm project. Here are the details.

Poetry Film Prize

We want to integrate film and literary culture. Carbon Culture will award a $1,000.00 prize for the best poetry film. Zata Kitowski, director of PoetryFilm, will pick the grand prize winner and finalists. The winning entry will receive $1,000.00. The top five entries will receive high-profile placements across our social media networks, a one page note alongside honorable mentions in our newsstand print and device editions. Deadline for submissions is April 1, 2016.

By submitting, you grant CCR the right to publish selected poetry films in our online issue as well as recognition in our print issue. All rights revert to the film creator(s) and/or submitter.

Rules for Submission

  1. Create a video adaptation of your original, unpublished poem.
  2. Post the video to a Youtube or Vimeo account and make it live.
  3. Submit the piece as an .Mp4 alongside your bio or team member’s bios to us.
  4. One submission per poet, please. If you previously created a poetry film for our initial guidelines listed in early 2015 for John Gosslee’s poem before we opened the contest to any original poem, you may submit this and one other poetry film for consideration.

Prize Announcements will be made in July 2016. Payment will be made via Paypal.

Film Types

All visual and textual interpretations of any contemporary poem written by you or someone on your team are welcome. Animation (digital or cartoon,) live action, kinetic poems, stop motion, anything you can imagine. We are looking for literal and non-literal interpretations of the poem. How long should it be? That is up to you. Poetry is meant to be heard and we encourage audio.


The prize is open to poets, students, individuals and teams.

Click Here to Submit Your Film.

Deadlines approach for Filmpoem Festival, ‘Bring a Poem to Life’ competition, and Rabbit Heart

Two calls for work previously announced here are closing in early May, while a third stays open until July 1, allowing a little more time for procrastinators (in whose company I proudly include myself). Those submission deadlines:

In the much longer term, submissions to Carbon Culture‘s $1000 poetry film prize are open until January 1. But there’s been a little more information about it since I originally posted their call:

Zata Kitowski, director of PoetryFilm, will pick the grand prize winner and finalists. The winning entry will receive $1,000.00. The top five entries will receive high-profile placements across a number of networks, note in a one page ad alongside honorable mentions in our newsstand print and device editions. All entries are considered for sponsored entry to our list of film festivals and poetry film festivals.

And speaking of Zata Banks (née Kitowski), it’s worth pointing out that submissions to PoetryFilm never close — there’s no deadline whatsoever. Which does put us procrastinators in a bit of a bind.

Carbon Culture offers $1000 poetry film prize

Carbon Culture is a print and online journal at “the intersection of technology + literature + art.” This week they announced a unique poetry film contest:

Poetry Film Prize

We want to integrate film and literary culture. Carbon Culture will award a $1,000.00 prize for the best poetry film using the complete text of John Gosslee’s poem “Portrait of an Inner Life.” The winning entry will receive $1,000.00. The top five entries will receive high-profile placements across a number of networks, note in a one page ad alongside honorable mentions in our newsstand print and device editions. All entries are considered for sponsored entry to our list of film festivals and poetry film festivals. Deadline for submissions is January 1, 2016.

Rules for Submission

1. Create a video adaption of John Gosslee’s poem “Portrait of an Inner Life” using the full text of the poem and the author’s name
2. Post the video to a Youtube or Vimeo account and make it live
3. Submit the piece as an Mp4 alongside your bio or team member’s bios to us.

Prize Announcements will be made in April 2016

Film Types

All visual and textual interpretations of the poem are welcome. Animation (digital or cartoon,) live action, kinetic poems, stop motion, anything you can imagine. We are looking for literal or non-literal interpretations of the poem. How long should it be? That is up to you. Poetry is meant to be heard and we encourage audio.


The prize is open to students, individuals and teams.

Click through for the text of the poem (which is very brief) and the link to submit. Fjords Review (which Gosslee edits) included the poem in a video interview, filmed by Roberta Hall at City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco: