~ Poet: Dale Wisely ~

The Society for the Prevention of Something by Dale Wisely

Dale Wisely has acknowledged the Belgian filmmaker Marc Neys A.K.A. Swoon as one of the major influences on his recent foray into videopoetry. Here Swoon returns the favor with a video remix of one of Wisely’s poems from The Poetry Storehouse. He shared some process notes on his blog.

I found this poem perfect for a ‘filmcomposition with txt on screen’ type of video.
First  I made a re-edit of a track I made earlier to give me a nice timeframe and a ‘mood’ to work with.
For some reason I wanted animals (crawling, floating, …)  in this video. Browsing different footage providers gave a good collection of jellyfish, crows, a worm, insects,…

I combined these with shots of nature, agriculture, hunting (all very moody) and tried out what lines from the poem worked best with what image. I still think it’s a fun way of ‘composing’ a videopoem.

Stopping is Prohibited by Dale Wisely

Alabama-based poet, publisher and psychologist Dale Wisely continues his experiments with videopoetry, here contributing his own text and music and using public-domain footage from Pond5. He credits a story on Radiolab for inspiring some of the text, which is not the first time a film-poet has been inspired by that show.