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“Dark and Unaccustomed Words”: three poems by Vahni Capildeo

Trinidadian writer Vahni Capildeo, currently based in the U.K., recites three poems, interspersed with other remarks, in a very imaginatively shot performance-poetry film by Karen Martinez of Riposte Pictures. Here’s the description from Vimeo:

Over the course of a summer day in 2012, two Trinidadian artists, poet Vahni Capildeo and filmmaker Karen Martinez, set out, as co-conspirators, to have some fun and make a film, assisted by the fabulous Ava Martinez Lambert. They wandered through the environs of northwest London and this four-minute film is what they have to show.

‘The Pale Beast’ is taken from Dark & Unaccustomed Words (Egg Box, 2012). The ‘Person Animal Figure’ dramatic monologue series is included in Undraining Sea (Egg Box, 2009). ‘Calling Time’ will appear in Utter (Peepal Tree, 2013).
To find out more about Vahni, visit: almostisland.com/monsoon_2010/vahni_capildeo_1.php

For more on Karen Martinez, check out this interview in ARC magazine: “‘The most magical thing’: Karen Martinez on Film and Filmmaking.”

Space by Nathan Lunt

A film by Geoff Gilson and Keith Allott (BadshoesFilm), who writes in the YouTube description:

Originally filmed and edited by me and Geoff Gilson in 48 hours for the Leicester DocFest 48 hour doco challenge in November 2012. We took one of Dave Dhonau’s beautiful tracks and applied it to the visual. After further thought we felt we needed some spoken word material too so we asked the massively talented poet Nathan Lunt to write and perform an original piece. This is the result.

A fascinating process, which I think illustrates 1) how close documentary and videopoem can be; and 2) what good results can come from presenting a poet with film footage and asking him or her to write an original text in response. I wish more videopoems and filmpoems were made in this manner.

I found a description of the 48 Hour Documentary Film Competition at the website for the 2013 Leicester DocFilm Festival:

The mission is simple, to encourage new and established documentary filmmakers to get out there and make something, as well giving you a platform from which to showcase your talents. What makes the competition such a challenge is the 48 hour timeframe. It’s deliberately tough because we want to show just what’s possible when you put your mind to it.


We’ll announce the subject for the films at Phoenix Square 5pm, Friday 1st November and you’ll then have 48 hours to use however you’d like to produce, film & edit a short documentary up to 10 mins in length.

For more on Nathan Lunt, see this webpage from the University of Leicester.

3 errors and an apology by Matt Willis-Jones

A philosophical filmpoem written, performed and edited by Matt Willis-Jones of Huma Nerror Productions, incorporating a still photo by Kristin von Hirsch and music by Andreas Paleologos and the street musicians of Essaouira, Morocco, where the film was shot in 2010.

When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be by John Keats

A film by Maia Porcaro.

haar by Sheree Mack

A film by Judith Dekker, who notes in the description at Vimeo that it was

Made as a part of my residency in Dunbar, Scotland for North Light.
This footage was shot during my time there, most of it even on my first evening. Dunbar has a working harbour which brings movement and sounds. But there are moments when there’s a stillness. I asked fellow resident and poet Sheree Mack if she had words for those times and she did. Her words compliment the images and Luca Nasciuti created another great soundtrack.

Haar is a Scots word which translates in English to “coastal fog.” In Dekker’s native Dutch, it can mean “her” or “hair.”

Sheree Mack writes about her own time in Dunbar in a post at her great new blog, adrift in the wilderness. She also kept a blog during her residency: Walking Our Way Home.

Penelopiad by Jade Anouka

A filmpoem/performance poem hybrid co-directed by Jade Anouka and Sabrina Grant, with music by Frances Lea. All three appear as actors in the film, joined by Anneka Harry and Cloudia Knight.

Ursula by Robert Peake

A new videopoem by Robert Peake and Valerie Kampmeier. Peake blogged the text of the poem and some process notes. The poem was prompted by an old postcard, he writes, and

Valerie and I found some old excess footage, now in the public domain, from a Los Angeles film studio in the 1950s, and we put this together with road, wind, and bear noises as accompaniment.

Alice by Lydia Towsey

An interesting performance poem video “Created as a collection of spoken word pieces involving projecting images onto the artist,” according to the Leicester-based filmmaker, Keith Allott. For more about Lydia Towsey, see her website.

Byland by Sophie Cooke

Fluid Eye Productions collaborated with author Sophie Cooke to make this poetry film, which was commissioned by Natural Scotland on Screen:

As well as looking back at past film and television, the Natural Scotland on Screen project also wanted to create something new as a lasting legacy beyond the 2013 Year of Natural Scotland.

Scottish poet and novelist Sophie Cooke was commissioned to write an original poem inspired by film from the Scottish Screen Archive and the themes of the Year of Natural Scotland. Sophie watched many hours of footage, then helped select the final clips that would be edited together in this single short film.

The result was Byland. Sophie hopes the poem – and accompanying film – will help to tell the story of our changing relationship with nature.

Le fiamme di Nule by Simon Barraclough

U.K. poet Simon Barraclough wrote the lyrical narration and provided the voiceover for this beautiful film by Carolina Melis (director) and Maria Zanardi (researcher/coordinator). It mixes live action with animation; the lead animators were Roly Edwards and Kwok Fung Lam. For more, see the film’s website [auto-play warning], which includes this brief synopsis:

The film tells the story of Anna, Rosa and Maria, weavers from Nule in Sardinia, who are taking part in a tapestry competition. Whilst Anna and Rosa try to impress the judges making by perfect and beautiful carpets, Maria surprises the village by creating an unexpected textile.

Did He Struggle by Philip Hartigan

Found via the increasingly useful Liberated Words website (see especially their videos section). They write:

Philip Hartigan is a British multimedia artist now living in Chicago. This work is part of an ongoing series of stop-motion animations paired with short written moments of personal narrative, mainly relating to the death of his father. Philip is interested in putting together pieces as a counterpoint to each other, rather than as illustration. His prints, short films and illustrations have been exhibited in solo and group shows in both the USA and the UK.

Here’s a bio. He blogs at Praeterita.

The Royal Oak by Benedict Newbery

An award-winning watercolor animation by Sandra Salter, with additional animation by Meg Bisineer, for a poem by Benedict Newbery (read here by Tony Fish). For additional credits, see Vimeo, which includes this description:

A local pub, despite it’s refit continues to be a bolt-hole, refuge and home to its regulars. An animated poetry film.

Channel 4 commissioned Sandra Salter and Benedict Newbery to make a film for its first Random Acts Season. The film was broadcast on Channel 4 in October 2012. The animation is based on the poem The Royal Oak which was published in Magma, and this film sees a further evolution of Newbery and Salter’s poetry film style using watercolour and transitions.

The Royal Oak won the Best Animation Audience Choice Award at the Purbeck Shorts competition at the Purbeck Film Festival held on 18 October 2013. It was described by the Festival as ‘a beautifully observed, watercolour, animated poem.’

The film was also exhibited in the 2013 Ludlow Open Rural Contemporary Art Showcase, and chosen as the opening film for the Filmpoem Festival in Dunbar, Scotland, in August 2013.