~ Filmmaker: Jade Anouka ~

I Am A Woman by Jade Anouka

Inspired by Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman,” actress and poet Jade Anouka enlisted the help of a huge cast to recite her text for the camera, resulting in a uniquely polyphonic presentation. See YouTube for the text and complete list of contributors. The music is by Grace Savage.

My Body Is Mine by Jade Anouka

A simple but powerful videopoetic statement from British poet and actor Jade Anouka. Jade noted in an email that the poem was something she initially wrote for Black History Month.

Penelopiad by Jade Anouka

A filmpoem/performance poem hybrid co-directed by Jade Anouka and Sabrina Grant, with music by Frances Lea. All three appear as actors in the film, joined by Anneka Harry and Cloudia Knight.