~ Videopoems ~

Videopoetry, filmpoetry, cinepoetry, poetry-film… the label doesn’t matter. What matters is that text and images enter into dialogue, creating a new, poetic whole.

Burger Man by Gaia Holmes

Poem by Gaia Holmes

Film by Sharon Keighley, with narration by Lela Keighley

Thanks to Michelle at Peony Moon for bringing the work of this fine English poet to my attention.

Sonnet of Addressing Oscar Wilde by Anne Carson

Poem by Anne Carson, from Possessive Used as Drink (Me), a lecture on pronouns in the form of 15 sonnets

Video by Sadie Wilcox

See “Recipe” for more information on the production.

Paris at Night by Jacques Prévert


Poem by Jacques Prévert

Video by vandicla

Here for reference purposes are the text and an English translation as copied from an anonymous webpage, which notes that the title of the original is in English:

Paris at Night

Trois allumettes une à une allumées dans la nuit
La première pour voir ton visage tout entier
La seconde pour voir tes yeux
La dernière pour voir ta bouche
Et l’obscurité tout entiére pour me rappeler tout cela
En te serrant dans mes bras.
Three matches one by one struck in the night
The first to see the whole of your face
The second to see your eyes
The last to see your mouth
And the complete and utter darkness to remember them all
While holding you in my arms.


Though in other video poems I might object to a less than fully audible reading, here, I like the way the poem is submerged — a low mutter appropriate to the darkness from which flame, face, and song struggle to emerge.

Incision by Jillian Weise

Poem by Jillian Weise, from An Amputee’s Guide to Sex

Animation by John Roberts

From the publisher’s description:

The Amputee’s Guide to Sex is an authentic exploration of disability and sexuality. Tired of seeing “cripples” appear as asexual characters in all forms of media, Weise took on a subject close to home: her own disability. This does not mean that these poems “happened” to Weise in real life. While based on the experience of an above-the-knee amputee, the poems have a life of their own.

Lullaby by Anne Sexton

Poem by Anne Sexton

Video by Jeff Doud

Once Upon a Time by Vishwajyoti Ghosh

Poem by Vishwajyoti Ghosh, narrated by Ramesh Venkatraman

Animation by Nilratan Mazumdar

According to the credits at the end this is one of 60 one-minute films commissioned by motiroti, “a London based international arts organisation.” A link on its 60×60 secs page leads to another site that describes the project in somewhat more detail:

60×60 Secs is the first project of the 360° programme, and comprises of 60 one-minute films from 60 artists, 20 each from Britain, India and Pakistan.

Commissioned via open call both established and emerging artists, working in a variety of mediums and spanning a wide age range, present their unique views on ‘home’. Looking beyond media, political and religious definitions, 60×60 Secs unravels complex identities and stories, and redefines cultures that are evolving in an age of globalisation.

The site includes pages for all sixty films, including this one, containing low-, medium- and high-quality Quicktime versions, a brief description, and more detailed credits. Evidently the poet was also responsible for the drawings used in the animation, and directed it as well.

Holy Island by Deborah Buchan


Poem by Deborah Buchan (text here)

Film by Dawn Furness


Film by Philip Shotton

Both these videos were “commissioned by New Writing North, the literature development agency for the north east of England.”

The Frigidaires of Idaho by Virginia Shank

Poem and animation by Virginia Shank, with music by One Ring Studio

A rare example of a poet making a video interpretation of her own work — and in claymation yet! She gets huge respect from me. I found more information about the project in a blog post.

It’s nice to see that months of work have turned out so well and it’s hard to believe that Virginia found time to sculpt each frame by hand (for a total of literally thousands of individual frames) when she had three classes to take, a literary magazine (Fugue) to read for, and two classes to teach. But she’s like that – when she’s not making the best sushi for a hundred miles or singing Nancy Sinatra at our weekly MFA karaoke sessions, she’s doing THIS.

Hunger by Billy Collins

Poem by Billy Collins

Animation by SamuelChristopher/FAD, commissioned by the Sundance Channel’s Action Poetry Series

Heart Wrap by Shamshad Khan

Poem by Shamshad Khan

Film by Lisa Risbec, with narration by the author
Commissioned by Comma Film

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

Poem by Elizabeth Bishop

Film by Erica Tachoir

One of the more unique and ambitious approaches to the video poetry genre I’ve seen so far. I like the meta- aspect here, what the film says about readers and how poems intertwine with their lives. I also like the implicit judgement against people who can’t tolerate poetic expression.

The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams

Poem by William Carlos Williams

Animation by Lee Luker, with music by Six Organs of Admittance


Written and directed by Kira Rouse with art by Jeffrey Rouse and sound by Digital Scientist

Hard to say what WCW would’ve made of this one, but it’s an interesting testament to the ubiquity of his poem.