Poem and film by Gabriel Vallecillo, a young Honduran poet and filmmaker “currently exploring VJing poetry and applying poetry to Live Cinema performances,” according to his Vimeo profile. About the video, he says on its YouTube page: “Explora la ausencia del ser humano en este mundo hiperreal blanqueado” (It explores the absence of the human being in this hyper-real, bleached-out world).
sonriendo en blanco sangrando en blanco memorizando en blanco gritando en blanco amando |
smiling in white bleeding in white memorizing in white screaming in white loving |
tocando en blanco tecleando en blanco rezando creyendo dios!! desconectando apagando en blanco |
touching in white fingering in white praying believing god!! disconnecting switching off in white |
Experimental video poem by Donna Kuhn — “an exploration of grief, a tribute to a friend who is gone.”
Video by British artist Natalie d’Arbeloff. I think it’s interesting how the poem here is intrinsic to the film itself; the text would be difficult to extract and fairly meaningless as a static object without the interplay with the images.
Poem and video by Linh Dinh