~ Book trailers ~

Hearing Your Voice for the First Time by Raymond Luczak

Raymond Luczak has made a number of compelling poetry videos in American Sign Language, but this may be my favorite to date. It’s in support of his new book Mute. (See his YouTube channel for a few others.) Luczak writes:

In this clip, I recall what it was like to use my hearing aids when calling a prospective date for the first time. This happened back in the late 1980s, way before the Internet thing came along. The talented songwriter Seth Pennington performs his song “Want” as a guitar instrumental.

(As with the other Luczak videos I’ve posted, I’m putting this in the Spoken Word category even though that’s obviously not a perfect fit.)

Four Desires by Jason Heroux

According to the description on YouTube, this is “a book trailer for Jason Heroux’s new poetry collection NATURAL CAPITAL published by Mansfield Press,” though I must say it’s awfully subtle for a trailer — and a very fine videopoem, however one categorizes it. In a blog post introducing the video, Heroux adds that it was made by his brother Darren.

Three poems from Savage Sunsets by Adrian C. Louis


The poems are “Archeology,” “Wheels,” and “Love the Distant Roar,” expertly knit together by Sky Hopinka into one of the best poetry book trailers I’ve seen. Most unusual for the genre is the choice of a reader (Trevino Brings Plenty) other than the poet, but this really works to put the focus squarely on the poems and — with the addition of two listeners — the communal reality they appear to reflect.

Adrian C. Louis is no stranger to film; his novel Skins was made into a feature-length film starring Graham Greene and directed by Chris Eyre. Savage Sunsets, his tenth book of poems, is forthcoming in September from West End Press. For more, visit his website.


Housekeeping note: I’ve just started a Book trailers category here, thinking it might be useful to compare and contrast different approaches to the genre. I’ve retroactively added the few videos that came up when I seached the site for “book trailers,” but I know I’ve missed some. Please let me know if you can think of any more trailers I’ve posted.

To Mend Small Children by B.C. Edwards

This charming videopoem using (I presume) archival footage is a video trailer for a chapbook by B.C. Edwards, To Mend Small Children, from a new publisher called Augury Books.

Becoming Judas: five poems by Nicelle Davis

These poems are from Becoming Judas by Nicelle Davis, forthcoming from Red Hen Press. The wonderfully whimsical drawings by Cheryl Gross are animated in a fairly basic style which the description at YouTube dubs “motion graphics.”

Tom Kessler, Stockton Island, 1887 by Kenneth Pobo

A videopoem made to double as a video trailer for the winner of qarrtsiluni magazine’s 2011 chapbook contest: Ice and Gaywings, by Kenneth Pobo, forthcoming from Phoenicia Publishing in Montreal. See our post about the video at the magazine for more. (I was responsible for commissioning this film from Swoon in my capacity as qarrtsiluni co-Managing Editor, and helped shape the content a little, but the main ideas and final decisions were Swoon’s.)

Bad Daughter by Sarah Gorham

This is (I think) the title poem from the book by Sarah Gorham forthcoming from Four Way Books. Tucker Capps, the filmmaker, has a production company specializing in book trailers, and I was interested to see what he charges [PDF]. I’m guessing this one was in the $300-$700 range (“Text, stills, basic studio imagery, local B-roll, motion graphics, voiceover”), unless it qualifies as a full-scale animation, in which case it would’ve cost Four Way Books $2,000. In either case, good on them for going the extra mile to promote a book of poetry.

Inferno (A Poet’s Novel) by Eileen Myles

The reading is evidently an excerpt from Myles’ new book. Update: this is not from Inferno, but a more recent piece (see comments). It takes a little while to get going, but stick with it: the hand-drawn, typographic animation on a green screen behind the reading is unique. It’s the work of Scott Gelber for Teleportal Readings, which includes some additional information:

This is the first of nine videos we shot in collaboration with Rattapallax at the Bowery Poetry Club this summer. That’s BPC founder Bob Holman you hear in the background during the beginning, before he gets whatevered by Eileen. We filmed with a green screen and Scott Gelber added animation after the fact (we’ve yet to perfect the magic of manifesting amazing, hand-drawn typefaces live, but believe us when we say we’re working on it). Eileen’s newest book, Inferno (A Poet’s Novel) is available from OR Books.

And here then is an excerpt from Inferno (via EileenMyles.com).


Finally, here’s a book trailer for Inferno.

Haiku: The Art of The Short Poem (trailer)


Poet Tazuo Yamaguchi has made what looks like a marvelous film on English-language haiku, available from Brooks Books:

Brooks Books is pleased to announce the publication of HAIKU: The Art of the Short Poem, a film by Tazuo Yamaguchi. The haiku cited or read in the film are published in this book/DVD combo as a haiku anthology featuring contemporary English-language haiku writers.

In August 2007 Tazuo attended the Haiku North America conference, where he filmed over 50 hours of interviews and events with contemporary haiku poets, concluding with the HNA head-to-head haiku competition. As Taz writes in the introduction to this book/DVD: “Each poet brought me their wealth of passion, information and knowledge, and timeless insights from their snowball stash they had collected through their life’s sleigh ride of love and interest in haiku.”

Autobiography by Djelloul Marbrook

Video trailers for books are becoming increasingly common, and sometimes, as here, they take the form of videopoetry. This is one of two trailers by Brent Robison for Djelloul Marbrook’s prize-winning collection from Kent State University Press, Far From Algiers.

Marbrook has had a distinguished career in journalism and now authors a blog on literary and cultural affairs.