Posts By Viral Verse

Subtitles drive me mad!

Why put English subtitles on an English poetry video??

I run Viral Verse (a website like Moving Poems) which features video poetry. I regularly crawl the net for new (and old) work. For some reason I cannot figure out, poetry videos often have the verse both spoken and written. It’s horribly distracting and a total waste of the poet’s (or actor’s) voice. We can’t help but read when we see words on a screen, but having 2 voices in my head – the actor’s and mine – becomes irritating .

I’m at the point now where if the subtitles start I turn off the video. English movies don’t have English subtitles. Is poetry so bloody special that it has to be drummed into the viewer?

Short poetry film up for award at Cannes

First – wonderful job getting this forum up and running Dave! I hope to be a regular contributor.

Second – A wonderful, funny short poetry film is up for an award at Cannes. Poetry by Luke Wright, a young gun in the UK poetry scene and narrated by David Soul, of Miami Vice fame, it tells the story of ex-stuntman, Larry LeTan.  Check it out on YouTube : Crash! Bang! Wallow?

If you like it, vote ‘Like’  – the prize is based on votes! It would be wonderful for poetry to win at Cannes!!