Posts By Ren Powell

This is the first photo-reading that I really love. Even the less-than-professional reading works perfectly for me.

For Advanced Digital Poets…

Have you seen this on the Harriet Blog?

Festivals with Videopoetry

Biannual festival Zebra in Germany
VideoBardo In Argentina

(I am having a difficult time finding annual or biannual festivals. Seems most are one-offs and it’s not always easy to find the year on the webpage. A lot of information out there is terribly outdated.)

Towards Definitions of Genres and Art Forms?

I have just begun brainstorming with a Cuban actress for a project that will include her live performance, multimedia and poetry. It has me thinking about the characteristics of the various art forms on their own and how they will work together, can work together and whether they are “collaborating art forms” or elements from differing art forms that collaborate to create a single art form (in this case Performance).

Isn’t this the same kind of question we are asking about video technology and poetry?

Despite my own penchant for the written word and visual impression of the written word as intrinsic to some poems, I concede easily to the idea that poetry is also defined as the metaphoric use of language and can be an exclusively aural experience.

However, is it possible to have a “videopoem” that has no words or oral language whatsoever? Does it count as poetry if the words alone don’t convey a poem, but rely upon the visual elements to convey an idea? If so- is this poetry or is this “elements of poetry” (if so-which then??) collaborating with elements of film to create a new art form?

Isn’t perhaps videopoetry actually more like performance than poetry and therefore videoperformance?
(I am excluding documentation of performances here in my tentative genre).

What are your thoughts?

I am so excited that you are doing this. It seems much more appropriate that this discussion group grow from moving poems (no offense intended to the folks at We Write Poems).

I am new to wordpress, so it will take me a little while to understand it all. But it looks manageable. I think Nic’s series of 10 questions on technology. . .

Did you send David Moolten the link?

(It’s nearly 11 pm now and I am closing down for the night). Back in the am.