Call for work: ekphrastic video poems

Part of Festival Fotogenia in Mexico in November/December 2023 is Frame to Frames: Your Eyes Follow II. This is an ekphrastic video poem screening and prize competition.

Organisers are looking for films under 10 minutes, but preferably around 5 minutes, that are based on paintings or other works of art. Submitted films must include subtitles – in Spanish for films in English, or in English for films in Spanish or other languages.

There is also the option of working with the painting chosen for the festival: Huapango Torero by leading contemporary Mexican artist Ana Segovia (courtesy the artist and Karen Huber Gallery).

For more information and how to enter see: Where you can also read more about the Festival painting and why Liberated Words’ Sarah Tremlett chose it for the competition.


  1. Reply
    William Carpenter 17 June, 2023

    I have a short comedic ekphrastic film that runs a little over 4 minutes. It was previously entered and selected for the REELpoetry contest in 2022. Would my film qualify as an entry in your upcoming contest?

  2. Reply
    Jane Glennie 17 June, 2023

    Hi William – you’ll need to contact Liberated Words themselves via their website if you want to confirm that as they are the event organisers.

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