Call for poetry films and cinepoems: REELpoetry

This Houston, Texas-based event sounds really exciting:

“REELpoetry/HoustonTX” 2019 is a curated poetry film event featuring documentaries, artist cinefilms and videos screened at multiple venues March 22-24, 2019. Participants – including featured poets, film makers and artists (local, national and international) – are invited to attend.

REELPoetry/HoustonTX 2019 seeks cinepoems by poets, artists, and filmmakers. Any style or theme of cinepoetry is welcomed. We accept submissions across a wide array of artistic practices: poetry films, word-art films, experimental films, and text and sound films such as the contemporary presentation of concrete poetry. The submission may include, but is not limited to, dance, music, and performance. Intentional settings and contexts may range from public art, architecture, sculpture, landscapes, or indoor theatrical setting. The cinepoem may include voice over, or text may be included on the screen itself. Provide a translation if the original poem is not in English. We welcome imaginative combinations of various artistic collaborations. An individual might work alone to produce all aspects of the cinepoem; or, there might be a collaboration among various artists. All contributors need to be listed in ending credits. By submitting the cinepoem to REELpoetry/Houston TX 2019 the submitter acknowledges that all work is original.


NOTE: Public Poetry Members receive a 15% discount. on the entry fee. Memberships start at $8/mo.
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