Estátuas / Statues by Conceição Lima

Another compelling short videopoem from Conceição Lima (poem, reading) and David Shook (video, English translation) filmed in Lima’s native São Tomé and Príncipe last month. The back-flipping children in the opening shot are a perfect counterpoise to the still statues in the succeeding shot, all in service to the text’s central paradox. Are the proverbial “feet of clay” truly a liability, or perhaps instead a sign of groundedness?

The Vimeo description notes that the poem appears in the collection O País de Akendenguê, and that Shook is in São Tomé on a National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship. I’m not sure how much NEA money has been spent on poetry films over the years, but I’m guessing very, very little.

One Comment

  1. Reply

    […] gedichten van Conceição Lima op Moving Poems, vertaald door David Shook en voorgelezen door Lima. ‘Statues’, waarin Lima dicht over Santomese beelden die de hoogte minachten, opent met door het beeld […]

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