Vögel auf Stromleitungen / Birds on Wires by Dean Ruddock
On 3 November, 2016 by Dave Bonta with 0 Comments
- Author-made videopoems
A nearly perfect author-made filmpoem by Dean Ruddock. (After hitting Play, be sure to click the CC icon for English subtitles.) Vögel auf Stromleitungen took the audience prize in the NRW (Nordrhein-Westphalia) competition at ZEBRA. The description on its page at the ZEBRA website reads:
Our understanding of the world seem to disintegrate, making us lose our minds. Is this sudden incomprehension normal, or have our senses decided to dismiss an alien entity, which has just landed on earth, as a trick of the eye?
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Dave Bonta is a poet, editor, and web publisher from the Appalachian mountains of central Pennsylvania.