Children of the Nephilim (excerpt) by Cindy St. Onge

This author-made videopoem by Cindy St. Onge juxtaposes footage from Trump rallies with footage from Nazi concentration camps, along with other images. The choice of music for the soundtrack (by the Masonik collective) feels especially inspired. The Vimeo description:

This video is based on a poem which was originally titled “Free Range Citzens.”
Have you noticed that with the proliferation of technology and mobile devices, that we so rarely look up anymore? We should wonder about that.
Poem, concept and editing by Cindy St. Onge. Footage from Videoblocks, Cindy St. Onge, CSpan, Right Side Broadcasting. Soundtrack by Masonik.
Full text of poem can be read here:

St. Onge has posted two versions of the videopoem; here’s the other.


  1. Reply
    grizelda3 24 March, 2016

    Thank you for sharing this Dave!

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 25 March, 2016

      My pleasure.

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