IT’S ALIVE! Visible Verse Festival announces new director, issues call for entries

Visible Verse image - eyeball in mouth

Vancouver’s Visible Verse Festival is the longest-running poetry film and videopoetry festival in North America, and last April we shared the sad news that its founder and long-time director Heather Haley had reluctantly decided that she couldn’t do it anymore. Today on their Facebook group page, however, writer and entrepreneur Ray Hsu posted:

Just wanted to give y’all a heads up that Visible Verse is on for this October. Longtime Artistic Director Heather Haley will continue to offer her wealth of knowledge as an Advisor while I will step in as Artistic Director. I will try my absolute best to fill her shoes. :)

And he shared this Call for Entries:


Call for Entries and Official Guidelines:

We seek videopoems and poetry films with a 7 minute maximum duration.

Works will be judged by their aesthetic interest, innovation and the integration/interplay between film and poetry.

The ideal video poem plays with image and word, whether the words are seen, heard or otherwise approached in the context of the piece.

Please do not send documentaries as they are beyond the scope of this genre.

Entries in any language are accepted, though if the video is not in English, then an English-dubbed or -subtitled version is preferred. Videopoems may come from any part of the world.

Please submit by sending the URL to your videopoem for previewing, along with a brief bio and contact information to Ray Hsu (Artistic Director) at

If selected, you will receive notification and further instructions. Selected artists will be paid a standard screening fee.

VISIBLE VERSE FESTIVAL 2015 is scheduled to take place in October at the Cinematheque in Vancouver, Canada, in October.

DEADLINE: August 15, 2015

This is such great news. A huge thanks to Ray Hsu for stepping up and to Heather Haley for agreeing to stay on in an advisory capacity. Please join me in wishing them every success in this transition period, and do consider sending your best work.


  1. Reply

    […] Visible Verse will continue after all! Vancouver’s long-running Visible Verse Festival, which justly described itself as […]

  2. Reply
    George Morehead 3 August, 2015

    Can a video poem be made up of images and sound without words or must it have words

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 3 August, 2015

      You need to address this question to Ray Hsu, but this bit of the guidelines suggests that you might be able to get away without words in some cases: “The ideal video poem plays with image and word, whether the words are seen, heard or otherwise approached in the context of the piece.”

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