Call for submissions: poetry films about love

The UK-based PoetryFilm art project welcomes general submissions throughout the year, but director Zata Banks has just issued a special invitation to submit poetry films about love:

All topics and themes are welcome, and material exploring LOVE is invited specifically for an event in December 2015.

Work welcome: poetry films, art films, text films, sound films, silent films, collaborations, auteur films, films based on poems, poems based on films, and other experimental text/image/sound screening and performance material. Submissions will be catalogued in the PoetryFilm Archive and will be considered for all future PoetryFilm projects.

Please send hard copies of film submissions in the post (e.g. DVD, USB stick). If you are sending a DVD, please make sure that your DVD is properly formatted and that it will play correctly.

Submission Form

Please click here to download the PoetryFilm Submission Form 2015.

Please send your work together with the form to: PoetryFilm, First Floor, 85 Harwood Road, Fulham, London SW6 4QL.

– A fully completed Submission Form must accompany all submissions

– Please print out and include hard copies of all the additional material you would like to have considered as part of your submission

– Please do not write website links or “see website” on the form

– Please do not submit links by e-mail or through social media


The event featuring poetry films about LOVE will take place in December 2015; however, all submissions will be catalogued in the PoetryFilm Archive and will be considered for all future events.


Please email if you have any questions. Thanks.

If you’d like to attend a PoetryFilm screening to see what it’s like, there’s one coming up in London in just three weeks: PoetryFilm Parallax, ICA Cinema, Sunday 16 August, 4pm, and another one the following month, also in London: the PoetryFilm Equinox event at The Groucho Club Cinema on Sunday 27 September.

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