Erica Goss: Ten Favorite Video Poems Made by Women

Here are ten current favorite video poems, all made by women. One of the things I like about video poetry is its cultural and gender diversity. Many more than these exist, of course, and my list is much longer than only ten, but enjoy these from the US, Canada, Pakistan, Egypt and Taiwan:

goodbye (poem by Kate Greenstreet)
Kate Greenstreet, 2010


I Said Yes (poem by Luisa Igloria)
Nic S., 2014


The Dice Player (poem by Mahmoud Darwish)
Nissmah Roshdy, 2013


kindness (poem by Jana Irmert)
Jana Irmert, 2012


Whore in the Eddy (poem by Heather Haley)
Heather Haley, 2012


Self Portrait as Beast (poem by Justine Post)
Cecelia Post, 2014


Danatum Passu (poem by Shahid Akhtar)
Shehrbano Saiyid, 2014


At Freeman’s Farm (poem by Marilyn McCabe)
Marilyn McCabe, 2013


In the Circus of You (poem by Nicelle Davis)
Cheryl Gross, 2014


They Are There But I Am Not (poem by Ye Mimi)
Ye Mimi, 2009


  1. Reply
    cherylgross 22 November, 2014

    Thanks for including In The Circus Of You.

  2. Reply
    Robert 23 November, 2014

    Excellent, thank you!

  3. Reply

    […] put together based on a poem from The Poetry Storehouse by Luisa Igloria included in Erica’s Ten Favorite Video Poems made by Women today.     At Dave’s kind request, I am compiling my own Top Ten list to share at […]

  4. Reply

    […] video remix of a Storehouse poem by Charlotte Hamrick, (From An Awakened Sleep) – Featured in Ten Favorite Video Poems Made By Women by Erica Goss at Moving Poems Magazine, a Nic S. video remix of a Storehouse poem by Luisa […]

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