Alastair Cook: A Filmpoem Ten

Some poetry films in the spirit of Filmpoem, the Edinburgh-based, international poetry, film, festival and workshop project founded by Alastair Cook in 2010. As Alastair notes on their website, “The combination of film and poetry is an attractive one. For the poet, perhaps a hope that the filmmaker will bring something to the poem: a new audience, a visual attraction, the laying of way markers; for the filmmaker, a fixed parameter to respond to, the power of a text sparking the imagination with visual connections and metaphor.” —Ed.


The Royal Oak (poem by Benedict Newbery)
Sandra Salter, 2012


Commune Présence (poem by René Char)
Maxime Coton, 2013


OUTSIDE (“A fora”) (poem by Albert Balasch)
Marc Capdevila, 2012


Regarding Gardens (poem by Simon Barraclough)
Carolina Melis, 2012


repeaT (poem by Polarbear)
Joe Roberts, 2012


The Flight into Egypt (poem by John Glenday)
Marc Neys aka Swoon, 2014


Naar Wat We Waren (poem by Eric Joris)
Lies Van Der Auwera, 2014


Beyond Words (poem by Else Beyer Knuth-Winterfeldt)
Helene-Moltke-Leth, 2014


Hare (poem by Carolyn Jess-Cooke)
Melissa Diem, 2014


Legion (poem by Allison Walker)
James W. Norton, 2013

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