“A real Arabic aesthetic”: Nissmah Roshdy on the making of “The Dice Player”

Egyptian animator and media designer Nissmah Roshdy talks about her film The Dice Player, an animation of a section of a Mahmoud Darwish poem of the same title. American poet Erica Goss, author of the Third Form column on video poetry at Connotation Press, interviewed Roshdy in a Berlin coffee shop the day after the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, where The Dice Player won top honors.

Our conversation continued for more than an hour after the interview, but 20 minutes is about the limit to what I can upload at my slow connection speed. (I apologize for the sound not being perfectly in sync; I’m still learning how to use new editing software.)


  1. Reply

    […] Nissmah Roshy the day after the awards ceremony and recorded a twenty-minute interview with her — go watch. The important thing to mention here is that the live recitation with music by the band Le Trio […]

  2. Reply
    Erica Goss, Poet 25 October, 2014

    What a talented and enthusiastic young woman! Nissmah Roshdy is an artist to watch in the future. I agree with Dave that the judges at Zebra made the right decision in choosing “The Dice Player” as the winner of Best Poetry Film. I greatly enjoyed our conversation that rainy afternoon.

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