2014 Visible Verse program

Ladies & Gentlemen! Announcing the 2014 VISIBLE VERSE FESTIVAL program:

  • On a Prophet | David Richardson/Kathleen Roberts. Spencer, Indiana 2014.
  • Indefinite Animals | Martha McCollough. Boston, MA 2014.
  • In The Turning | Sarah Tremlett. Bath, England 2014.
  • Genocide Is My Man United | Kevin Barrington. Dublin, Ireland 2014
  • Proxy Bounce | Ian Keteku. Toronto, ON 2014
  • Out of the Forest-Sleight of Tree | J.P. Sipilä. Helsinki, Finland 2014.
  • words/birds | vvitalny. Brooklyn, NY 2012.
  • PROEM to Brooklyn Bridge | Suzie Hanna/Hart Crane. Norwich, UK 2013.
  • Again and Again | Igor Andreevski. Amsterdam, Netherlands 2014.
  • 1962 | Diana Taylor/Robin Kidson. Bristol, UK 2013
  • The Killing | Swoon/Howie Good. Mechelen, Belgium 2013.
  • Je tombe | Svitlana Reinish, Elena Semak. Kiev, Ukraine 2014.
  • Penelopiad | Jade Anouka. London, UK 2012.
  • In Hell | Michael Murnau. London, UK 2012.
  • Ella (Her) | Javier Reta. Madrid, Spain 2013.
  • If I Can Sing a Song about Ligatures | Abigail Child. New York, NY 2009.
  • What The Flute Wants to Sing | Karin Hazé/Moe Clark. Haida Gwaii, BC 2013.
  • Reservation | Kevin Barrington. Dublin, Ireland 2014.
  • The Elephant is Contagious | Simon O’Neill/Eabha Rose. Dublin, Ireland 2014.


  • Back to You | Karen Mary Berr. Paris, France 2013.
  • Keepsake | Elizabeth Johnston. Montreal, QC 2013.
  • Equus Caballus | H. Paul Moon/Joel Nelson. Elko, Nevada 2013.
  • Embroidered | Andy Bonjour. Steubenville, Ohio 2014.
  • Babel Death Star | Jeff Cruz/Kirk Ramdath. Calgary, AB 2014.
  • Kenneth Patchen | J.R. Phillips. Los Angeles, CA 2009.
  • WALLS | Walter Forsyth/Andrath Whynacht. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia 2013.
  • Florid Psychosis | Othniel Smith/Bill Yarro. Cardiff, Wales 2013.
  • My Dolls | Pete Burkeet/Melissa Barrett. Columbus, Ohio 2014.
  • Aylool MacKenzie’s Convenient Skytrain Deppaneur | Tom Wiebe/Lyle Neff. Vancouver, BC 2014.
  • My Country | Jelena Sinkik/Ralph Stevenson. Maroubra, Australia 2014.
  • America | Sophie LeNeveau/Allen Ginsberg. Jupiter, FL 2012.
  • Late | Keith Sargeant. London, UK 2014.
  • Prism | Jamey Hastings/Price Strobridge. Colorado Springs, CO 2013.
  • Tasting the End | Dean Pasch. Munich, Germany 2014.
  • Deathless Man | Lena Samoylenko. Kiev, Ukraine 2014.
  • Some Trees | Kurtis Hough/John Ashberry. Portland, OR 2014.
  • Marianne | Richard O’ Connor. New York, NY 2014.

7 pm, Sat, Oct. 18 at the Cinematheque in Vancouver, Canada

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  1. Reply

    […] film is also due to be screened at Visible Verse in Vancouver next […]

  2. Reply

    […] brief, deceptively simple videopoem about his wife’s embroidery was selected for Visible Verse 2014 and the “Parallel Worlds” programme at ZEBRA. Videopoetry critic Erica Goss included it […]

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