Aerial Manoeuvres by Robert Peake

A new poetry film from the husband-and-wife team of Robert Peake and Valerie Kampmeier. Peake posted the text to his blog along with some brief process notes, which are worth quoting in full, since they show how organically the film developed:

I had a feeling of the kind of film-poem I wanted to create here, something about flight. I used Blender to render a flock of birds and then composited them together with historic aviation footage from the Prelinger Archives. The poem wrote itself after that, and Valerie’s piano accompaniment followed. We also recorded birdsong on an H1 Zoom and looped it to create a backdrop of sound.


  1. Reply
    Christine Morgan 16 June, 2014

    Beautiful piece- very thoughtful..

    • Reply
      robertpeake123 12 July, 2014

      Thanks, Christine. Glad you enjoyed it.

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