Foresight by Roche “Roach” Du Plessis

A well-produced performance poetry video from Emote Record Company, “a record label dedicated entirely to the recording, distribution, promotion, and support of spoken word artists and the spoken word community.” Du Plessis is one of several artists recorded in what appears to be someone’s living room in Johannesburg. (View more at Emote’s YouTube channel.)

Scoring and Additional Recording by Paul Elliott
Edited, Mixed and Mastered by Simon Strehler
Videographers: Ett Venter, Bernard Brand

Special Thanks to Clive Thomson and the Thomson family, the greatest hosts on Earth.

It’s no secret that I’m not the biggest fan of spoken word and slam-style poetry. But the outrageous rhymes on “Orwell” sold me on this one. Plus I applaud the emphasis on audio and video production. Emote’s website,, was just launched last month, so they’re obviously just getting off the ground. I hope they go far.


  1. Reply
    justin 15 April, 2014

    Never been a fan of poetry either, until Roach! His words seem to reflect everything that’s of concern to me and many others. His words are in each one of us but we dare say them out aloud. Its thru his passion and emotion that someday we’ll live those thoughts out in reality.

  2. Reply
    Roach 17 April, 2014

    Wow!!! Thank you Justin!! Your comment means so much to me and is a complete inspiration to keep writing..

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