graffiti angel / infinity part 1 by Kathy McTavish

This is by far the most beautiful and successful example of computer-generated videopoetry I’ve seen. I recommend expanding it to full screen, putting on headphones, and immersing yourself in the flow. Here’s the description from Vimeo:

kathy mctavish, sound, text, code and moving images – part of the holy fool project – funded by the jerome foundation and the minnesota state arts board – code generated using open source semantic web gears / pulleys / bolts / html5 / xml / css3 / javascript. This video is a screen shot of a computer-generated session.

Graffiti angel premiered at Zinema 2 in Duluth, Minnesota on September 13, according to McTavish’s website, which also includes video embeds of a number of shorter sketches.

As for the Holy Fool Project of which this is a part, according to an event description on Google Plus,

Holy fool is a live performance & multimedia installation. It is the culmination of a year-long project by cellist, composer & transmedia artist, Kathy McTavish.

On November 9th she joins forces with Sheila Packa (poet), Cathy Podeszwa (illumination), Cecilia Ramon (the infinite line), Anton Jimenez-Kloeckl (voice), Molly Tillotson (iron bells), and Carla Stetson (the map) to create a multi-sensory, immersive reflection on our times.

Tickets are available for $10 through the Sacred Heart Music Center

…which is on 201 West 4th Street, Duluth, Minnesota. Here’s their website. The performance/installation will take place on Friday, Nov 9, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST.

One Comment

  1. Reply
    My Inner Chick 29 September, 2012

    — Omyyyyyyyyygosh,

    This is my MIND!

    F A B U L O U S.

    I love this, Kathy.


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