It Noarderland / The Northern Land by Durk van der Ploeg

Richard van der Laan‘s “visual arrangement of Frisian poetry on moving canvas.” The reading is by Siem de Vlas, a Frisian landscape architect who also appears in the film, “working in his studio and visiting the grave of the famous dutch landscape architect Lucas Pieters Roodbaard (1782 – 1851),” as the description on Vimeo puts it. Here’s the original text of Durk van der Ploeg’s poem. As someone of (distant) Frisian ancestry, I was happy to find this videopoem.


  1. Reply
    Josep 8 June, 2012

    Hello, Dave. I’ve given the Liebster award on my blog. Hope you like it and you join the party. Greetings.

  2. Reply
    Richard van der Laan 15 June, 2012

    Hello Dave,

    Thanks for posting my video on your blog. Really appreciated.


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