just midnight by Robert Lax

An interesting solution to the problem of how to envideo a poem whose typographical arrangement was very important to its author. Susanne Wiegner notes at Vimeo,

“just midnight” is a poem by Robert Lax that describes a temporal and spacial situation by very minimal means. For Robert Lax the composition of the letters and words on the paper was very important. And so he created one of his vertical typefaces, that was transferred for the film. The letters become spaces and actors, crossed and circled by the camera. Step by step a three-dimensional formation of words is generated and disappears again in a sheet of paper.

The film has been very widely screened — click through for a full list of festivals and awards.


  1. Reply
    Orah 26 April, 2012

    Love your Robert Lax videos!!! Only found Lax in the last year and really love his work. I made a fiber art piece around a couple of his poems this year. You can see it on my FB page injoyemporium. I call it Lax love. Reading circus days and night right now. I look at you videos over and over

    All theBest,,


  2. Reply
    Susanne Wiegner 17 February, 2013

    Thank you, Orah. I’m really glad to read your comment.
    All the best to you, too

  3. Reply
    Helen Luce 7 September, 2015

    Susanne! These are wonderful! Thanks so much for posting them!

    • Reply
      Susanne Wiegner 8 September, 2015

      Thank you for your kind comment, Helen!

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