Call for submissions: 2012 Visible Verse Festival

FYI, notice no more DVDs necessary for previews.

VISIBLE VERSE FESTIVAL @ Pacific Cinémathèque in Vancouver, Canada

Call for Entries and Official Guidelines

  • VVF seeks videopoems with a 12 minutes maximum duration.
  • Works will be judged by their innovation, cohesion and literary merit. The ideal videopoem is a wedding of word and image, the voice seen as well as heard.
  • Please do not send documentaries as they are outside the featured genre.
  • Either official language of Canada is acceptable, though if the video is in French, an English-dubbed or-subtitled version is required. Videopoems may originate in any part of the world.
  • Please submit by sending the URL for your videopoem along with a brief bio, full name, and contact information to There is no official application form nor entry fee.

DEADLINE: Sept. 1, 2012

For more information contact Artistic Director Heather Haley at:

Reposted from the Visible Verse group page on Facebook.


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    […] Call for submissions: 2012 Visible Verse Festival […]

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    martha mccollough 17 April, 2012

    I would like to submit three short videopoems for your consideration.
    I have posted them on youtube, and here are the urls:

    I am a painter and animator living in Boston, Massachusetts. I have a long-standing interest in artists books, and have recently become interested in using text as a basis for animation.
    These texts began as pages from an erasure project.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to look at these. I am just beginning to explore this genre, and any comments would be welcome.

    Martha McCollough

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 19 April, 2012

      Martha, these are very interesting text animations, and I would encourage you to email the links to Heather as she requires for submissions to Visible Verse. For my part, I’ll certainly add at least the first and third to the queue for posting at the Moving Poems main site.

      • Reply
        martha mccollough 23 April, 2012

        Oh, sorry, I got confused—I thought I was emailing heather. How embarrassing—But thank you! I’m so pleased that you’re posting them!

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