~ March 2012 ~

may i feel said he by e.e. cummings

This is You and Me by Karsten Krause, which uses footage of her taken by Hans Krause. As the description at Vimeo puts it: “A woman is walking towards her husband’s camera for four decades. A love story on small gauge film.”

See here for the text of the poem.

Precious Are The Feet of Those… by Kwame Dawes

Another in the Voices from Haiti series produced by the Pulitzer Center, exploring life after the earthquake and focusing on the lives of those affected by HIV/AIDS, with poetry by Kwame Dawes, images by photographer Andre Lambertson, editing by Robin Bell and music by Kevin Simmonds. See YouTube for the text.

just midnight by Robert Lax

An interesting solution to the problem of how to envideo a poem whose typographical arrangement was very important to its author. Susanne Wiegner notes at Vimeo,

“just midnight” is a poem by Robert Lax that describes a temporal and spacial situation by very minimal means. For Robert Lax the composition of the letters and words on the paper was very important. And so he created one of his vertical typefaces, that was transferred for the film. The letters become spaces and actors, crossed and circled by the camera. Step by step a three-dimensional formation of words is generated and disappears again in a sheet of paper.

The film has been very widely screened — click through for a full list of festivals and awards.

Billy Collins and his animated poems at TED conference

Watch at TED.com

You’ve probably seen these animations before — if not, check out the dedicated site Billy Collins Action Poetry, or watch them (and others) on Moving Poems. What I found interesting here was Collins’ explanation for why he decided to let the animators go ahead and illustrate his poems, since in general he didn’t understand why a poem would need to be animated. His remarks evince little familiarity with the genre, and in questioning why any poem would need to be illustrated in this manner, strangely echo Ron Silliman’s criticism of one of them:

Thus Billy Collins’ The Dead is animated by Juan Delcan, neither poem nor cartoon threatening to break any new ground whatsoever. … [It’s] nothing more than a reading of the piece over which a cartoon has been superimposed.

But he gave in because he says he’s always loved cartoons, and because he figured it would bring his poems to a wider audience.

Over Breakfast by R.W. Perkins


R. W. Perkins‘ latest videopoem. He says on his blog:

Artistically it is an attempt to stretch myself in the realm of videopoetry, by trying something that has proved to be difficult to do in this art form, “being literal”.

Visually I wanted something that looked a little more feminine, and gentle to the touch. Where as I spent much less time editing this piece, I spent more time on cinematography and atmosphere, I hope it comes through in this videopoem.

He also posted some detailed notes about his process that are well worth checking out.

Call for submissions: 2012 Visible Verse Festival

FYI, notice no more DVDs necessary for previews.

VISIBLE VERSE FESTIVAL @ Pacific Cinémathèque in Vancouver, Canada

Call for Entries and Official Guidelines

  • VVF seeks videopoems with a 12 minutes maximum duration.
  • Works will be judged by their innovation, cohesion and literary merit. The ideal videopoem is a wedding of word and image, the voice seen as well as heard.
  • Please do not send documentaries as they are outside the featured genre.
  • Either official language of Canada is acceptable, though if the video is in French, an English-dubbed or-subtitled version is required. Videopoems may originate in any part of the world.
  • Please submit by sending the URL for your videopoem along with a brief bio, full name, and contact information to hshaley@emspace.com. There is no official application form nor entry fee.

DEADLINE: Sept. 1, 2012

For more information contact Artistic Director Heather Haley at: hshaley@emspace.com

Reposted from the Visible Verse group page on Facebook.

Somewhere by Elise Stewart

Poem, vocals, music and video are all by the British neo-romantic poet Elise Stewart.

Advertising Lullaby by George Carlin

Found text has played a central role in the development of videopoetry, so this montage of advertising tropes by the late comedian George Carlin becomes a full-fledged poem merely by adaptation to the kinetic-text medium. An inspired choice and execution by Jenny Lien.

“Poetry & Film” feature at Lyrikline blog

Lyrikline.org, an international audiopoetry site, is celebrating World Poetry Day with a feature on Poetry & Film at their blog. Since their parent organization, Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, also sponsors the ZEBRA poetry film festival, they were in a good position to solicit statements from a number of practitioners of the art. Begin with their own statement:

Diverse as the entries might be, there’s one thing that all the good ones have in common: they succeed if one can experience in some way a clever and maybe even poetic relationship and correspondence between the words and images. When poetic principles and features, such as rhythm, tempo, meter, imagery, denseness, and tone unfold, poetry and film together can reach another level and merge into something unique.

Then read the statments by Paul Bogaert, Avi Dabach, Tom Konyves, J.P. Sipilä, and Uljana Wolf.

I particularly liked the statement by Wolf, a German poet and past member of the ZEBRA film jury, for its concision and gnomic quality:

Like a translation, and like poetry itself, or perhaps like prose poetry, or the prose poem—already we see the problem here—a poetry film exists in a between-space, a Zwischenraum. It can not be named. It can only be invented with each attempt; its inability to occupy a name or a space or a genre is what generates these attempts to create something that is true to its name. It will fail every time.

But I think the most interesting thing about the feature is the extent to which these diverse filmmakers agree about what makes a good videopoem or filmpoem. There’s far less disagreement among them than one might have supposed.

somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond by e.e. cummings

“People and places from a recent trip to San Diego, CA,” says documentary photojournalist and filmmaker Kristyn Ulanday in the description at Vimeo. I think she rather understates the awesomeness of this videopoem. (For the text of the poem, see Poets.org.)

Inverting the Deer by Gary Barwin

I love this poem, and was happy to see Gary Barwin (who describes himself as writer, composer, multimedia artist, performer and educator) doing something interesting with the much-abused video slideshow (kinestatic) form on YouTube. The poem appears in The Porcupinity of the Stars (Coach House, 2010).

“Subcutaneous”: Three poems by Dan Godston


Three poems in one video by the indefatigible Swoon. The poems are: “Spread Out,” “Trash” and “A Sonnet for Edgar Allan Poe.” For the texts, see Swoon’s blog post about the video.