The Green Man by Dick Jones

A Moving Poems production by yours truly. The text and reading are by the English poet and blogger Dick Jones. Thanks are also due to the blog carnival The Festival of the Trees, edition #60, which reprinted Dick’s poem, and featured as well a number of videos, helping to inspire this effort.


  1. Reply
    Brenda 6 June, 2011

    Beautiful! The Green Man, in Dick’s great poem, and in the holey haunting birch tree whose face sprouts paperbark, is, well, just wow.

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 6 June, 2011

      Thanks! That birch is right beside our road, but I only noticed the face for the first time when I was dashing back to the house after having shot the beech-eye footage for this video. The reality is that there are many more faces in tree trunks than we ever spot, I think. I found this horned one in a bur oak in a large back yard in central Pennsylvania; its owners, despite cherishing the tree, had never noticed the face before I pointed it out.

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