Ostrich Consulation in the Culture of Snowmen by Thylias Moss


If I haven’t shared more videos by the prolific and innovative Thylias Moss, A.K.A. forkergirl, it’s mostly because they were uploaded at a time when YouTube didn’t support very high-resolution films, and you kind of need that to make out the text in her videos. This more recent upload has none of those problems. There’s a lengthy gloss on the video at YouTube; I’ll just quote the opening paragraphs:

A Limited Fork Theory video poam (product of an acts of making) that investigates simultaneity through video convergence of multiple tines of information that exist in multiple forms: printed text, video, sound. The video poam reveals the moment of collision of the multiple tines, explores some of the warping and upheavals of colliding as a form of convergence.

Poam instead of poem, by the way, so as to not limit form with prescriptions of inclusion and exclusion long associated with poetry. Learn more about Limited Fork Theory at the Institute for 4orkological Studies (http://www.4orkology.com).

One Comment

  1. Reply
    Moxie Supper 22 September, 2014

    Thanks so much for posting my “poams”! Thylias Moss (forker girl) (“Forker Gryle” on Facebook)

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