Inferno (A Poet’s Novel) by Eileen Myles

The reading is evidently an excerpt from Myles’ new book. Update: this is not from Inferno, but a more recent piece (see comments). It takes a little while to get going, but stick with it: the hand-drawn, typographic animation on a green screen behind the reading is unique. It’s the work of Scott Gelber for Teleportal Readings, which includes some additional information:

This is the first of nine videos we shot in collaboration with Rattapallax at the Bowery Poetry Club this summer. That’s BPC founder Bob Holman you hear in the background during the beginning, before he gets whatevered by Eileen. We filmed with a green screen and Scott Gelber added animation after the fact (we’ve yet to perfect the magic of manifesting amazing, hand-drawn typefaces live, but believe us when we say we’re working on it). Eileen’s newest book, Inferno (A Poet’s Novel) is available from OR Books.

And here then is an excerpt from Inferno (via

Finally, here’s a book trailer for Inferno.


  1. Reply
    Jess Teleportal 6 October, 2010

    Thanks for posting this, Dave! I’m fairly certain that this poem is unpublished, actually. At least, Eileen had to send us the text in a Word doc. Hope you got a chance to check out our Dean Young video, also! It’s at
    We’ve got a super psychedelic animation of Ed Hirsch coming up, too, as well as poems from Timothy Donnelly, Matthea Harvey, and Idra Novey.

    Teleportal Readings

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 6 October, 2010

      Hi Jess – Thanks for commenting, and for producing such exciting work! The reason why I thought this was an excerpt from Inferno is that I think I confused it with another video from Rattapallax on Myles’ own website. Hmm. I’ll have to either re-title the post, or add that video to the mix.

      The Dean Young video is already in the queue, and I’ll be looking forward to the others. (I’m subscribed in Vimeo, but I’ll be sure to link to the website each time, too.)

  2. Reply
    Jess Teleportal 6 October, 2010

    Not 100% certain… my copy of Inferno is en route!

  3. Reply
    Jess Teleportal 6 October, 2010

    (Fantastic website, by the way!)

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