Rain by Hone Tuwhare


This is actually the second time I’ve posted a video for this poem by the great Maori poet, and it might be worth looking at the other one — a fairly straight-forward kinetic text piece — before watching this one, where the text is whispered and fugitive. But this film is superlative in every way, an astonishingly gorgeous piece that must be watched with the volume up and the video expanded to full-screen. According to the notes at Vimeo,

Rain is the first of Maria-Elena films in which she explores our connection with Nature, human-nature and the idea that everything in the universe is interlinked……..Rain was made in 2006 as the final year project of the Graduate diploma in digital animation at Unitec Auckland…. Maria-Elena has just completed her next film Meniscus


  1. Reply
    Dorothee 20 September, 2010

    absolutely fascinating. and thanks for pointing out the “full-screen” mode. didn’t know it existed.

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 20 September, 2010

      You didn’t? Ohmigosh. I wonder if I should add a line to the About page pointing out that any video can be expanded? That’s why I never bothered to get a fancier, wider-format theme for this site — I figured people could just expand the videos themselves.

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