On Writing Hat Poems by Marvin Kimbrough

An animation by Francesca Talenti. I wasn’t able to locate a website for the poet.

UPDATE (9/7/10): After posting this, I got a note from Austin-based poet Scott Wiggerman on Facebook saying that Dr. Marvin Kimbrough had been active in the Austin poetry scene and was “a very warm, wonderful person,” though now she was in the hospital with terminal cancer. Yesterday, he sent a follow-up note saying she’d died that morning. Rest in peace, Dr. Kimbrough.


  1. Reply
    Peter 3 September, 2010

    I’m very excited to move into video poetry in the classroom this year. If I get to it, I’m going to apply for a grant for some much-needed video equipment (mostly some Flips and tripods).

    I anticipate sending writers to poems on this site a lot. I think seeing poetry in this medium will jazz a lot of writers, deepen their understanding of specific poems, and influence their own poetry writing.

    • Reply
      Dave Bonta 3 September, 2010

      That’s great, Peter! Feel free to use the forum section of this site, and encourage your students to use it. I’d be happy to give you posting privileges.

      • Reply
        Peter 3 September, 2010

        Hm! Good idea! Thanks . . .

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