Festivals with Videopoetry
Biannual festival Zebra in Germany http://www.literaturwerkstatt.org/
VideoBardo In Argentina http://www.videopoesia.com/
(I am having a difficult time finding annual or biannual festivals. Seems most are one-offs and it’s not always easy to find the year on the webpage. A lot of information out there is terribly outdated.)
Here’s one I discovered just now by searching “video poetry” on FriendFeed:
And that led to this: http://www.africa-in-motion.org.uk/
“Africa in Motion (AiM) is an annual African film festival based at Filmhouse Cinema in Edinburgh, Scotland.
“Africa in Motion 2010 is taking place from 21 October to 5 November.” Not a specifically vidpo festival, but I gather from a comment on their Facebook page that they’re interested in the genre — they’re hoping to screen the Citybreath Project films this year.
Edinburgh seems like a real centre for videopoetry. http://thiscollection.wordpress.com/about/
I think they’re planning more live events as more films are completed for the project, but I don’t see any mention of an annual festival yet.
Heather Haley has been organizing an annual videopoem festival in Vancouver for the past ten years: http://heatherhaley.com/visibleverse.php
Looks like it’s held in November.
I was looking for this one!
Here’s an English-language link for the ZEBRA Poetry Festival in Berlin:
There’s a Sadho Poetry Film Festival in New Delhi that’s been held twice now:
The Comma/Version film festival is an annual event for poem films and short-story films from the Northwest of England. http://www.versionfestival.co.uk/taking-part