Poet: Andy Bonjour

Embroidered by Andy Bonjour

Poet: | Nationality: | Filmmaker:

Andy Bonjour‘s brief, deceptively simple videopoem about his wife’s embroidery was selected for Visible Verse 2014 and the “Parallel Worlds” programme at ZEBRA. Videopoetry critic Erica Goss included it in a list of ten stand-out films from the 7th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival. It’s a gem of a video, and demonstrates that sometimes closely aligned footage and text can really work together, producing not a feeling of redundancy but something more like gestalt.

Rain Moments of Today by Andy Bonjour

Poet: | Nationality: | Filmmaker:

Andy Bonjour is a professional filmmaker, but this has the feel of something utterly off-the-cuff, film and poem coming into existence at the same time.